Lesson schedule Brooklyn, NY
Fall Schedule
Beginner Students
- 4-5 years old Tuesday 5pm Friday 5pm
- 6-9 years old Monday 5pm, Tuesday 6pm, Thursday 5pm, Friday 6pm
- 10-14 years old Tuesday 6pm, Friday 6pm
Private Lessons: Contact us for scheduling and pricing. 917.657.6954
Beginner Adults
- Tuesday & Thursday : 8pm - 9pm
- To open a private group class with 3 or more people call 917.657.6954
Intermediate Adults
- Wednesday: 6pm -7pm Friday: 7pm-8pm
Lesson prices
Weekday lessons
Juniors: First Class Free
Please Call 917.657.6954
to reserve your spot
Contact For Pricing
Contact For Pricing
Private Classes
Inquire Prices at the Reception Area